Roundtrip to Hades.

Roundtrip to Hades. Visits to the Underworld in the Eastern Mediterranean Tradition.

Uppsala University, October 9–12, 2014

Thursday, October 9 University Main Building, lecture hall IX

18.00 Welcome from convenors and introductory remarks (GUNNEL EKROTH)

18.30 Opening lecture by FRITZ GRAF, “Into the Hole of Hell! Travels to the Beyond from Gilgamesh to Dante”

19.30 Reception

Friday, October 10 – University Main Building, lecture hall X

9.15–10.00 MIGUEL HERRERO DE JÁUREGUI, “Die only once: pathein and mathein in the journeys to Hades”

10.00–10.45 HEINZ-GÜNTHER NESSELRATH, “Down there and back again: variations on the katabasis theme in Lucian”

10.45–11.15 Coffee

11.15–12.00 MARIA STAMATOPOULOU & SOPHIA KRAVARITOU, “From Alcestis to Archidike. Thessalian round trips to Hades”

12.00–12.45 SARAH ILES JOHNSTON, “On the absence of revenants in ancient Greek conceptualizations of death”

12.45–14.30 Lunch

14.30–15.15 IVANA PETROVIC & ANDREJ PETROVIC, “Tartarus as a divine alternative to Hades”

15.15–16.00 ZISSIS D. AINALIS, “From Hades to Hell: Christian visions of the underworld”

16.00–16.30 Coffee

16.30–17.15 SANDRA KARLSSON, “Behind the doors of Hades. Iconographic cues to the perception of the underworld”

17.15–18.00 SCOTT SCULLION, “Orphic routes to Hades”

19.00 Dinner for speakers at Villa Anna.

Saturday 11 October- University Main Building, lecture hall IX

9.15–10.00 PIERRE BONNECHERE, “Les effets sonores d’une catabase”

10.00–10.45 HENRY MAGUIRE, “When and why did Hades become beautiful in Byzantine art?”

10.45–11.15 Coffee

11.15–12.00 WIEBKE FRIESE, “Following the dead: ritual topography of Graeco-Roman entrances to Hades”

12.00–12.45 EUNICE DAUTERMAN MAGUIRE, “Hades and the belly: exploring the Byzantine physical imagination”

12.45–14.00 Lunch

14.00–14.45 CECILIA WASSÉN, “Did Jesus visit Hades? An examination of the earliest beliefs surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection”

14.45–15.30 THOMAS ARENTZEN, “The Virgin in Hades”

15.45 Excursion to Gamla Uppsala

Sunday, October 12 – University Main Building, lecture hall IX

9.15–10.00 ANNIE VERBANCK-PIÉRARD, “Roundtrip to Hades: Heracles’ advice and directions”

10.00–10.45 LARS BERGLUND, “Orpheus’ descent to Hades and the representation of the underworld in early Italian opera, 1600–1647”

10.45–11.15 Coffee

11.15–12.00 ADAM GOLDWYN, “A New England underworld: The politics and poetics of katabasis in the Hartford Wits’ mock-epic Anarchiad (1786–87)”

12.00–12.45 Final discussion and concluding remarks (INGELA NILSSON)

13.00 Lunch

Organizzatori: Ingela Nilsson, Department of linguistics and philology (

Gunnel Ekroth, Department of archaeology and ancient history (

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