Categoria: Conferenze e convegni
Doing things with words on stage. Pragmatics and its use in ancient drama. Seminar für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie, University of Zurich (Zurich, 04-07/07/2018) Keynote address:...
Divine Speech in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin (Lille, June 13-14 2018) The ways men seek divine words in Antiquity through their prayers and rituals have...
Divine Narratives in Ancient Greece and the Near East. Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, Oxford, 3-4 July 2017 Any further information:
17th Annual Joint Postgraduate Symposium on Ancient Drama ‘Movement and limits in the theory and practice of ancient drama’ University of Oxford and Royal Holloway,...
International Conference Materiality, representation, and performance in archaic and classical Greek poetry The University of Edinburgh, 20th-21st June 2017. Further information and registration at:
Journée Doctorale ANHIMA 20 mai INHA salle Benjamin Programme L’agent intentionnel est une catégorie centrale de la pensée occidentale de l’action. Celle-ci est présentée comme...
Parole per gli dèi. Dediche religiose in lingue epicoriche del Mediterraneo Occidentale. Roma, Academia Belgica, 18-19 maggio 2017. 18 maggio 2017 09 h 15. APERTURA...
Mitologia Greca ed Esseri Mostruosi Giornata di Studi a Margine del Libro Echidna e i suoi Discendenti. Studio sulle Entità Mostruose della Teogonia Esiodea di Igor Baglioni...
Università di Pisa Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica Dottorato in Scienze dell’Antichità e Archeologia Pisa, 15-17 Maggio 2017 Aula Magna di Palazzo Matteucci Piazza...
International conference. THAT OTHER CROWD Nethergods in the ancient Greek mythical imagination SEPTEMBER 4-7, 2017 Distant Worlds Graduate School – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany For any...