CFP Sailing with the Gods (Malta, 17-21 June 2020)
Sailing with the Gods: Religion and Maritime Mobility in the Ancient World Sponsored by: The Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions Location: Grand Hotel Excelsior, Floriana,...
Sailing with the Gods: Religion and Maritime Mobility in the Ancient World Sponsored by: The Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions Location: Grand Hotel Excelsior, Floriana,...
It is with great pleasure that the Editors of the Journal of Hellenic Religion (ISSN 1748-7811 , eISSN 1748-782 X) invite you to contribute to the Journal’s 13th...
En la antigua Grecia y Roma, existieron diversos paisajes liminales y espacios de transición en los que se desarrollaron relaciones sociales, culturales y de poder....
Laboratorio di Antropologia del Mondo Antico. Archives Louis Gernet et Jean-Pierre Vernant Seminario di Ricerca *** Martedì 29 ottobre 2019 Ore 15 presso Aula seminari...
The Centro Studi sul Teatro Classico (University of Turin), in collaboration with the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, is delighted to circulate...
Le séminaire des doctorants du laboratoire ANHIMA, ouvert aux masterants et aux postdoctorants, aura lieu cette année LE TROISIÈME JEUDI DU MOIS, DE 18H À...
Nell’ambito del Convegno Il teatro della πόλις tra intrattenimento e politica: nuove interpretazioni del dramma greco Lunedì 21 Ottobre (Aula B, Centro Congressi ‘Le Benedettine’)...
Between γελοῖον and σπουδαῖον: Comic Traces on the Tragic Scene” Cassino, 22-23 April 2020 Dear all, We are pleased to circulate, with the collaboration of...