Lama - Laboratorio di Antropologia del Mondo Antico Blog
Knowing Future Time in and through Greek Historiography
Department of Classics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 7-9 June 2013 Future time had a peculiar position in both Greek historiography and the genealogies of historical...
Religion and Belief: A Moral Landscape
Department of Classics, University of Leeds Fourth Annual Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Research Conference Wednesday 5th June 2013 Parkinson Building, Classics Library, Room 116
call For Papers: “Slavery and Emancipation”
Wednesday 4th September to Friday 6th September 2013 MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, University of Manchester Historically, the institution of slavery was the focus...
Journée de printemps de la SOPHAU: L’histoire du corps dans l’Antiquité: bilan historiographique.
samedi 25 mai 2013 Chères et chers collègues, Je vous prie de bien vouloir trouver en pièces jointes l’affiche et le programme de la journée de printemps...
Travestirsi nel Mondo Greco e Romano
Università di Pisa – Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere 27-28 maggio 2013
Origini e svolgimento del pensiero greco – Studi per Jean-Pierre Vernant
A cura di: Riccardo Di Donato Questo libro raccoglie una parte dei risultati raggiunti nel corso di una ricerca, riconosciuta e finanziata dal Ministero della pubblica...
L’objet rituel. Concepts et méthodes croisés
Journées d’études 31 Mai et 1er Juin 2013 Vendredi 31 mai 14h – Université de Cergy-Pontoise. Chênes II, 33, boulevard du Port. Cergy-Pontoise/ Salle...
Greek Philosophy and Mystery Religions
Thursday 30th. Venue: Building of the Faculty of Philology The University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), along with the Research Group of Classical Philology and...
call for papers: “Surprise, Shock, Terror and Triumph in the Ancient World”
UWICAH – The 2013 Colloquium – 16th to 17th of May This year the University of Wales Trinity Saint David is organising the annual UWICAH...