Language of Greek Religion. Conference and Digital Workshop
King’s College London and Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London
Language of Greek Religion
December 12-13, 2017
During the Digital Workshop
Gloria Mugelli
Euporia, Ritual in Ancient Greek Tragedy
The Conference: Analysis of emic terminology has always been part of the study of
Ancient Greek religion, yet much of this work has been piecemeal and ad
hoc. Partial lists of religious vocabulary can be found in the indices
of monographs and handbooks on Greek religion, but a comprehensive
Lexicon of Religious Terms is still missing in our field. Its creation
would go some way towards tapping the potential contained in the
linguistic data on Greek religion. Further potential, however, is
contained in contextual usage of religious vocabulary. A process of
digitally enabled semantic mapping may help us capture the nuances of
words’ religious usage, and possibly the patterns of religious thinking
that otherwise escape our notice. The Language of Greek Religion project
sets out to assemble the Greek religious vocabulary and analyse its
contextual usage through a combination of manual and digital methods.