Colloque: Durkheim au Collège de France, 6-7 Juin 2019
Colloque co-organisé par les professeurs Antoine Compagnon, chaire Littérature française moderne et contemporaine : Histoire, critique, théorie, dans le cadre du Passage des disciplines :...
Colloque co-organisé par les professeurs Antoine Compagnon, chaire Littérature française moderne et contemporaine : Histoire, critique, théorie, dans le cadre du Passage des disciplines :...
The program of the International Conference “Poetics and politics. New approaches to Euripides”, to be held in Lyon on June 27th-29th, is now available here...
Registration is now open for international conference Religion and War from Antiquity to Early Modernity: Historical Varieties of a Recurring Nexus that will take place...
In Antiquity, as is still very much the case today, illness and disease could trigger a personal crisis in which a range of emotions from...
Laboratorio di Antropologia del Mondo Antico. Archives Louis Gernet et Jean-Pierre Vernant Seminario di Ricerca *** Lunedì 6 maggio 2019 Ore 15 presso Aula Riunioni...
Lunedì 13 maggio dalle ore 11 alle ore 13 in SALLE VASARI, presso l’INHA ANDREA TADDEI terrà una conferenza dal titolo Les fêtes et la...
Organized by the University of Palermo (Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche), the Archaeological Park of Segesta, and the Municipality of Calatafimi Segesta This series of lectures...
Giulia Re Digital Annotation and Ancient languages: a tool for research and teaching International Workshop Digital Approaches to Teaching Historical Languages (DAtTeL) 28. –...