EuporiaRAGT Further readings

The Euporia RAGT annotation system is described in G. Mugelli, F. Boschetti et al., ‘A User-Centred Design to Annotate Ritual Facts in Ancient Greek Tragedies’. BICS 59 (2).

The bottom-up approach and the search engine were described at the Göttingen Dialog in Digital Humanities 2016 (, the proceedings of which are forthcoming.

The ontology and the querying system were presented at the workshop on Language, Ontology, Terminology and Knowledge Structures at the IWCS in Montpellier,

See Mugelli, G., Khan, A. F., Bellandi, A. and Boschetti, F. (2017). Designing an Ontology for the Study of Ritual in Ancient Greek Tragedy. In Frontini, F., Grčić Simeunović, L., Vintar, Š., Khan, A. F. and Parvizi, A. (eds), Proceedings of the Workshop on Language, Ontology, Terminology and  Knowledge Structures – LOTKS 2017. Montpellier (France). Download Proceedings